Day 1
On Monday, we (as in Mom, Dad, Austin, and I) went on a road trip to Oklahoma. It was about two hours and thirty minutes to get there. We stayed in a hotel called S.H. (Skirvin Hilton) The Dallas Mavericks basketball team were staying at our hotel and we saw all the players in the lobby. It was a big hotel and we got a suite! The suite had a bedroom just for mom and dad, two TV’s, and a huge couch. We had gone to see one of Mom’s former students, Riley and her family. Riley and I had so much fun together! This is not my first time to see Riley; two years ago we saw the So You Think You Can Dance tour together with our moms. I call Riley, "my long lost best friend" because we get along so well. We drove to a baseball park in a taxi to meet them there. We went in the baseball park and found a ski hill in there! We rode down the ski hill on tubes about six times because it was so packed. Then we went to a place called Coaches for dinner. I had the best mac and cheese ever with some steaming, but just right hot cocoa. We played outside on the restaurants porch for a while then we went back to the hotel to sleep.
Day 2
Tuesday, I woke up early to see Riley again. I opened my book (The Name Of This Book Is Secret) and read. I got through two chapters before Mom and Dad woke up. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and packed up. We met them at Jimmy’s Egg and ate breakfast. I had Silver Dollar pancakes and some more hot cocoa. Me and Riley talked and talked about everything you could talk about. Then we played on my mom’s phone as the parents talked. We stayed for a hour and then they offered for us to come over to their house. We took up the offer and went over to their house. Riley’s room is awesome she has a laptop, and a sewing machine, and everything. We played in the game room a lot she made me a peace sign sleeping bag for my bunny, and her little brother and Austin just played Club Penguin Game Day for wii. I waved goodbye as we set home. So long Oklahoma.
Hi Morgan. I love your blog and we did have so much fun! Hope to see you again soon. Happy New Year!