Wednesday night, we got a new TV. We put the TV in the kid’s room. (Play room that me and Austin share) This TV is one of those new cool TV’s that hang on the walls. We are trying to figure out how to use it. It’s fun for the wii and new kinect. The TV is from the brand Samsung. It’s fun so far.

Friday, December 31, 2010
Dog Days
Wednesday was my dog’s birthday. Her name is Harley Davidson. Harley was named that because dad wanted a Harley Davidson. Mom said no and this is the only Harley Davidson he will ever get close to owning. Harley turned 12 and about 60 in dog years. Fun, Fun, Fun!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Oklahoma and Riley
Day 1
On Monday, we (as in Mom, Dad, Austin, and I) went on a road trip to
Day 2
Tuesday, I woke up early to see Riley again. I opened my book (The Name Of This Book Is Secret) and read. I got through two chapters before Mom and Dad woke up. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and packed up. We met them at Jimmy’s Egg and ate breakfast. I had Silver Dollar pancakes and some more hot cocoa. Me and Riley talked and talked about everything you could talk about. Then we played on my mom’s phone as the parents talked. We stayed for a hour and then they offered for us to come over to their house. We took up the offer and went over to their house. Riley’s room is awesome she has a laptop, and a sewing machine, and everything. We played in the game room a lot she made me a peace sign sleeping bag for my bunny, and her little brother and Austin just played Club Penguin Game Day for wii. I waved goodbye as we set home. So long Oklahoma.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Orbeez And Two Teeth
Christmas #3
Merry Christmas!
Today is Christmas I am so exited! I ran down the stairs. Now I am sad because no puppies. The other day I shook my magic 8 ball and asked “Will I get a puppy for Christmas?” and it said yes. But I did get a Xbox and a kinenct!!!!! A kinect is when you are the controller. There is a camera and you move and it reacts. Santa also got us 4 games to go with it. He also got me a password journal and Orbees. He also got me many other fun things. Thank you Santa so much for all you do.
Christmas #2
Last night was Christmas Eve. We went over to my grandma’s (a.k.a Omi) for dinner. We played fun games like the 12 Texen Days of Christmas (Omi wrote) and our talent show. Omi said we all had to do a talent that had to do with Christmas. I sang I want a Hippopotamus For Christmas. I was so good Omi said. Next we played a game where we pass boxes. In the end we all get a box. My box had 20 dollars in it. Then we had dinner. A fancy meal with steak and lobster to dip in butter. It was so good and so flawless I thought I could not have dessert. But well… I did. Pops said his Twas’ the night of 2010. Then we opened presents. I got new clothes and pjs, Kids Bop 18 with dance moves, Wipeout for DS, Grow your own crystals, lip bomb, and much more. It’s almost time for Santa to come I better get home.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas #1
Last night we went to my grandma's to open presents. This is Christmas #1 for my family. I got a journal, Club Penguin Herbert's Revenge for DS, fun fusion, 15 dollars to itunes, boots, an animal print "M" hanger for my door, cute clothes, 25 dollars to game stop, and some books. Thank you Grandma!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Cookies and Cakes
Yesterday we baked cookies for Santa Claus. We also baked two cakes. We made Christmas trees, stars, and some ornaments as our cookie shapes. We baked them in the oven then iced them red, yellow, and green. Green for the trees, red for the ornaments, and yellow for the stars. Then we made them shine will some m&ms and some sprinkles. For dessert I had some of the cake it was divine. Austin had some of the cookies and he said they were awesome. Sweets make life sweeter.
Monday, December 20, 2010
"Let Your Hair Down"

Today Allyson and I saw Tangled together. It was so good. I also gave Allyson her Christmas present. I got her 2 pads of sticky notes, a clay turtle, and a bottle cap necklace that says “Believe”. I wanted to see Tangled so bad because I am Repunzal’s best friend and Allyson is Repunzal in Creative Kids (plays Mr. McCoy does). So now I sort of thought that went together. Her hair was pretty in the movie, and now I’m thinking what will Allyson do with her hair to make it long in the play?
Christmas Lights
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Early Christmas Present
Yesterday Hanna, My cousin and Mya’s younger sister was born. Her full name is Hanna Grace Ritvanen. Hanna was really cute, and when she came out Mya repeated "ba-by" over and over again. I was keeping track of what I know about Hanna as the nurse was checking her.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Pajama Party

Today we had a pajama day or as I like to say pj (pajama) day! I wore pajamas that are so new. This was my first time to wear them! They still have that good new pajama smell. My pajamas are all green with Christmas trees and the word HOPE on them. But what was really fun was the scavenger hunt in the gym. They turn off the lights and the only light is your flashlight. You are trying to find 12 items such as: the Christmas tree, stocking, present, angel, Santa, Santa’s sack of toys, snowman, gingerbread man, gingerbread man house, candy cane, dragon wreath, dradel, reindeer, and the star. But the two hardest things were you had to find them in the order of the list and the grinches were trying to stop you. (the grinches were the P.E. teachers) My friends and I were the green team and we found all the 12 green things at the last 3 seconds. It was hard and I got stopped by the grinch 2 times. But it was fun and I got a dragon for finding it all. And the good thing is I don’t have to change clothes tonight!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
I’m sad to say but yesterday I threw-up everywhere. And don’t say this is fun because I’m 100% sure it is not! I was going to go over to my friend Allyson’s but I had to stay upstairs while my mom had a dinner party downstairs for all the kindergarten teachers. So nobody could take care of me! Mom would come up and check and Only
A Furry Friend
We were on our way home from the Simonian’s on Friday night. (our friend's house) We backed out of the driveway and saw an opossum. He or she was just staring up at us. Mom got out and got a picture of it. When she got back in the car it growled at us. We drove off and I thought: Should he or she be a friend or foe? I guess I will never know.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Readers Theater In Mr. McCoy’s Class

My Side of the Story!
Today we performed a couple of plays in Mr. McCoy’s class. We have been working on the plays for about a week. Alex, Harry,
About Us!
Mr. Figgie-
Mr. Figgie is a mean lunch lady (or man) who wants to make all the food taste nasty. He will say a big line all about his plan of making it terrible. He laughs a lot in a mean tone. He wants all the children to suffer the terrible taste of the food. Mostly nobody brings there lunch from home. The only person in the story who really who brings there lunch from home is Bob. Nobody really knows why Mr. Figgie is so mean.
A big laugh I will tell you that. Bob is really a robot who acts like a kid and goes to school. He brings his lunch from home. And Bob is a character we made up because we did not have enough characters for six people. Bob has very few lines because of the time we had. But when Bob does say something the crowd laughs their heads off. Bob has a talent of being funny.
Magic Lunchbox-
The magic lunchbox or Magic Food Machine is the character who saves them all. Now he is not a character he is a lunchbox that speaks. If you put food in it’s mouth and think of something tasty your food will taste just like it. We used Noah’s lunchbox as our Magic Food Machine so it looked like it was really talking. The lunchbox goes from school to school in search of bad food. The Magic Food Machine’s main goal is to help.
This is who I played. Gemma is described as Can Not put up with bad food and Gemma’s lines are just like that. Gemma is the first one to find the lunchbox I think because she says “Look at that little lunchbox it glows!” and that is the first line spoken about the lunchbox. Gemma does mostly the first line in the start of every scene. Gemma was really fun playing. And when I do her I feel like I’m Morgan with a different name.
Lois is someone who wants to never give up and put a stop to Mr. Figgie. This is a random thing but I think Lois wants a grilled cheese sandwich not grey slop. He is a fun guy to hang out with and really tries hard. Lois came from Louise which was the original name.
Last but not least Tim-
Tim is good at solving problems just like ours with Mr. Figgie. This is also random but I think Tim looks like a sports guy on the script. Tim was the original name and we did not change it. If I looked at them I think Tim and Lois look like close friends. And Bob and I walk up and say “Hey we got the same problem let’s sort this out.” Tim wanted to be Australian so he made an accent and did pretty well with it.
We all had fun with School Lunches and the parts we got!
The Short Story
This is the story in short version. Tim, Bob, Gemma, and Lois have a problem Mr. Figgie’s lunch is horrible! And Mr. Figgie doesn’t even care! They all try to enjoy the grey slop but they just can’t. The next day they find a small lunchbox or the Magic Food Machine. He speaks! He speaks! Tim puts he food in his mouth and thinks about a good chocolate cake and the food tastes just like it! Mr. Figgie finds out and takes it away. But they still eat the slop and it still tastes like it if you think about it! Mr. Figgie is so upset he quits and finds another school. Sadly the lunchbox leave too to help the children at the new school. He promises the principal will get a good lunch lady to work at the school. He gives them goodbye cake and sets off on a new adventure. The end
That was the short version of the story!
Thank you for reading the backstage pass to School Lunches!
Preformed by Alex, Noah, Conor, Harry,
Sponsored by Just For Kids!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Getting Sassy
I’m just updating my latest fashion season that I bought from Justice. I’m wearing the coat tomorrow at school, I starting to think it over and I think it’s a mix of a Hollywood and Preppy style. I bought it with the gift card my grandma gave me. I'm getting ready for Winter with the hottest fashions. Like it?
Shiny Red Nose and Lights
Sunday Austin and I went to see Rodolph the Red Nosed Reindeer with my grandma Omi. We saw the play at the most awesome seat I have ever had. I thought the play was good because they hooked Rodolph on a sting and he did some flying and dancing in the air. He also did his bows like that too. After that, we picked up our little 1 year old cousin named Mya. We went back to Omi’s house for like 5 seconds then hopped back in the car. We went to the Osis for dinner and fed the ducks our bread. Then we hopped in the car again and went to see lights. Mya loved the lights so much and so did we. And by the time we got back to the house our parents were there. We jumped in their arms and said “Mom, I’m cold so let’s go home.” “I know” she said “That explains your shiny red nose.”
Saturday, December 4, 2010
My Elf is Back
The day before my birthday my elf on the shelf came back from the North Pole. My elf on the shelf is named Elfy, not that I want him to be named that, but my brother got there earlier then me and he picked it. Now I’m just thinking Is
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Birthday Magic
Friday, I had a sleepover party for my birthday. Caroline, Sage, and Allyson all arrived at 4:00 to start pumping the party. We made some foamy journals first. Then we played a game where you toss all the presents around in a circle, we all opened our presents at the end and it turns out we all got the same CD. Mom and Dad let me open their present next. I opened it up and I saw 5 Selena Gomez concert tickets for that night. My mom asked if we wanted to go and of course we all said “yes” We had our dinner and ice-cream cake. Then set off to the concert.
At the concert
There we were sitting in seat 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 of row CCC. We were trying to get our text Happy Birthday Morganon the big screen. First 2 bands called The Sickest Kids and FTSK (Forever the Sickest Kids) played. We all thought they were terrible. After they were done we had a big sigh and thought Wow! I think I might have just lost my hearing.
Now finally it was the big moment. She as in Selena came on. She sang about 15-20 songs and we sung on to almost all of them. The last song was my favorite. It was the song Magic, from the end of Wizards of a Waverly place the movie. Balloons came down at the end of the song. We left and then set home.
We went home, wrote about the concert in our new journals. Then went to bed....woke up to donuts and said goodbye to my friends. Happy Birthday to me!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Little Artists
Birthday Secrets
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Feeling Stuffed (and it's not even Thanksgiving yet)
Feeling stuffed for now and going to be stuffed again on Thursday for Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Beauty and the Beast Jr.
This is the program that I got my friend to autograph!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
We are the CHAMPS!
Today, I played soccer. We have one more game left in the season, but we (the Jets) are so far 1st place winners for the girls soccer league. We got T-shirts that list all the team names on the back, like: Strike Team, Rock Angels, Eagles, and a bazillion more. I think we can keep it up, but more importantly we will get a trophy with 1st place at the bottom! We are champs and friends... we got it all!
GrandmaS and goodieS
Today I was going to go to soccer practice but it got rained out. So Omi (The grandma on my dad’s side) came over early so she wouldn’t get caught in traffic. We went out and got some pizza in town square. We came back after we dropped our parents off at the airport. We set our candy out for the candy fairy (She come three days after Halloween) and went to bed.
Today I woke up when my alarm told me. I quickly got dressed and slipped down stairs. The candy fairy did come! She brought me a book (Sisters Grimm 4: Once upon a Crime) and a Sonic toothbrush for kids. I ate my breakfast fast because I was a little slow. I went to school and banked $1.00 total. I had a good day at school and passed the fives. The day was over and grandma (The grandma on my mom’s side) picked Austin and I up.
Today we woke up with Grandma at our side. We ate breakfast the same routine. Then after school I went back to school for Creative Kids. (It’s a play that Mr. McCoy directs) I am Repunzel’s best friend. So we rehearse the play at 3:45 to 4:45 and then our parents pick us up. I did that and then finished the book Sisters Grimm 3: The Problem Child. We went out to dinner at Chick-full-A (it was the fun raiser night) and ate a dinner full of chicken I tell you. I saw Samantha, Natalie, and Catalan there too. We ate together and I had to leave. But I got a good night sleep to pass my spelling test.
Today my parents come home! (But very late) I am ready for the test, Grandma gave me a quick one just in case. We had the same breakfast again! I watched TV but only Spongebob Squarepants was on so I was super lazy. I got dressed just in time to go to school. We had one test to anther. I passed my spelling test though! We had a free time after that for 15-30 minutes. Jordan, Drew, Sage and I told funny stories and Drew was laughing her head off. I went home a few minutes later. We went out again, and got some Burger King to eat. I got a small, plush Giraffe with my meal. I went home, got a homemade cookie Omi made, and got in bed to start a bluebonnet book called 11 Birthdays. (24 points doubled) I went to sleep but woke up again at 11:00. Mom was there so I gave her a warm welcome back. I went back to sleep, and woke up late this morning.
So that’s my true, funny, smart, detailed, 100% true report.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
My brand new ORANGE MP3 player
Play-dough Masterpiece
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Mom is sick!
Mom is sick. It all happened at school. She didn’t feel good and went to the doctor. Its positive....She has strep throat, I’m really sad because we can’t even sit in my bed together to read my daily bible story. I am making cards for her and a special treat on her bed. Mom, if you are reading this, don’t go up until it’s time for you to go to bed! I hope it’s not fever! I will keep my fingers crossed!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Book Buddies (and fun)
Today my book club was at Drew's house. We talked about the book,Big Nate, while Walker (Drew's little brother) shared some insane Mario talk. Then we played freeze dance and came up with the next book at the same time!(we would go into the hall and write the book down while the other girls played)Then the fun part of it all. We dyed our hair green and pink! After a green beauty hour, we made an obstacle course outside until our parents got there. Too bad mom has to wash my hair tonight, I wanted to show my class. The best I can do is the picture.
Fall Festival Fun
Friday, October 22, 2010
Field Trip
Anyway, after the play we went to Spaghetti Warehouse to eat. I had a good salad and some bread with garlic butter. And to top it all off, I had some crispy chicken tenders! Then we headed back to school, took a quick spelling test, and had free time! Even better.... tomorrow is the school fun run and fall festival! I’m going to need some more space to write all that!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Daisies in the Dull, Bugs up My Nose, Jogging 4 Life
So... we were jogging along last night, then this big bug just went in my nose, AHHHHH! It finely noticed this is not a place to nap, so it flew out EWWW! We got back to our house fifteen or so minutes later. After running our neighborhood block twice, we saw a beautiful site. A patched spot, but the middle was all green and growing fine. Well, the green spot had little daisies on it. It was perfect to see after the sickness of a big bug up my nose. So I went in and took a bath with reading time. You can read that post under this one!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Reading in a Tub
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Pop Blog
Club Penguin
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Quest to Find Hope
The Quest to Find Hope by Morgan Davidson
Chapter 1
Help! Cried Jennie she was head to toe covered in fire. A fire! A fire! She cried louder. This time her mother must of heard, because she was screaming into something. Before Jennie could even blink she started to fall then roll. In five minutes a man was taking her to a car. She thought she heard her mom and dad talking, but no a phone. Before she could think, she had fallen asleep. And didn’t wake up until tomorrow.
So that’s chapter one. Now to two. But don’t think I’m going to post it. You are going to have to wait till I finish the book.
Winning with Ease
Monday, October 11, 2010
Balloons Inc.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
I've Found it!
Most Popular Last Names
Most Popular First Names
Did you make the list?
The Pesky Fly...that should be dead by now
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Millions of Me
By the way, 21 people have my first and last name!
Omi's Artsy Necklace
Monday, October 4, 2010
Weekend News
This weekend my brother, Austin and I built a super cool castle! (In store now and the brand is something called Trio?) We started off on Saturday then moved on to Sunday. It’s really fun not turning on the TV at all. Because about a month ago I loved TV! But now I’ve kind of geared into no TV. I LOVE my lab top. But a lot of people say they can’t live without TV. (That’s not me!) But anyway, we built it with a tower and the main castle next to it. (By the way it reminds me of Fiona’s castle in Shrek) It was so fun! I really liked it! Well,l got to go. I’m building a castle again! (It’s a different kind)
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Snow White Comes to Town
Today we went to see Snow White the Musical. It was so cute! But I have to say, it was a short play. No intermission at all! And I can remember it all in my head right now! I thought it was nothing like the movie I have seen before. This one did not have forest animals. After the musical, I went to the gift shop and got a sparkly apple and 2 packs of Halloween silly bandz. But it was a kid rated thing and I’m an adult picture kind of girl. So it was good. I would give it a three, four, or five star rate somewhere in the middle. I’m really into Broadway pictures, so stay tuned because it’s almost Christmas! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Can you guess what I might see next at Casa??
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Going Bananas
After our delicious dinner (juice pork chops, twiced baked potatoes, and asparagus) on Saturday night, my dad cooked up a dessert. We had some lip smacking good banana foster. We turned off the lights and daddy lit it and we watched it flame. You can see that in the first photo. Then we served it over ice cream. YUMMY!!!! My family has gone bananas with bananas!
What I'm Reading

I’m reading a book called Guinea Dog. It’s so funny. I’ll finish it this weekend, and then I will get a book from Mr. McCoy called, The Doll People to read with my Book Buddies book club. Then next on my reading list, Here are other things I want to read: The Battle of the Red Hot Pepper Weenies, Beezus and Ramona, The Puppy Place Muttley, Molly Moon: Stops the World, Totally Crushed, Cam Jansen: and the Green School Mystery, Sophie the Awesome, and The Wizard of Oz. Well, that’s what I’m reading. A lot huh!